Elana Meyers, a black 37 year old bobsledder for the United States, has now made history by winning the Bronze Medal at the Winter Olympics 2022. She now holds a total of 5 medals – 3 Silver medals, and 2 Bronze. It’s interesting to note this in comparison to the top Winter Olympians across all fields, and see that the vast majority of them are white or European.
Additionally, there is evidence for disparate treatment between athletes in the Olympics:
My name is Jakobie Green, and I am a recent graduate from Booker High School, and a current freshman at Duquesne University. My planned major of study is pharmacy, my reasoning for choosing pharmacy is because I see the gaps within education, medicine and healthcare. I want to help mend these disparities by becoming a role model for those who are also looking to pursue the same career. In addition, I continue to find ways to stay active within my community although I am not physically there. Being a life-long learner and student allows me to continuously grow, and I am extremely grateful for the many people who support me and appreciate your continued support.
NCF Students Completed Mock Trial
By: Rhys Shannan, MHI Scholar
Our students at New College successfully won one of the four rounds. They did a great job considering I had to teach a team of brand new students who never did Mock Trial in the span of a month before competition, I'm am very proud of the NCF team.
My hope is that the Booker High School students find their confidence this week to be able to stand up to scrutiny from other schools and we will push hard to prepare the best we can by increasing practice and strategy sessions.
Community Partners
Brotherhood of Men Call for Action
Amaryllis Park Neighborhood Association meeting February 15th discussed concerns over recent increased predominantly youth related violence including 9 shootings since the beginning of 2022. They made a call to action to increase mentors, mental health and academic support, resumption of the gardening and other diversionary programs for youth and their families and return to our regular community engagement discussions. Following on that theme, Brotherhood of Men put out a call to action for more mentors, assistance getting youth to and from their regular meetings and support for their excellent and inspiring programs. We know it takes a village, we encourage continued and expanded support for these important efforts.
Dr. Washington Hill, Mary O’Conner, Joy Nelson, and Darcy Brown gave grand rounds on February 16th at Sarasota Memorial Hospital on the importance of Social Determinants of Health to reduce Health Disparities.
This past Saturday, February 19, 2022, MHI was at the Newtown Farmers Market. Darlene Brown, a MHI Safekeeper Navigator, was providing free health screenings. MHI was able to identify attendees that needed a MHI Safekeeper Navigator.
The pillars of the 2022 program include the Black Arts and Performance series, the Conversations on Race and Ethnicity public lecture series, the African Diaspora Film Festival, the Black History Month Listen-in, the New Schools of Black Thought Symposium, and a display in the Jane Bancroft Cook Library. However, the schedule below includes other events organized by committee members, campus collaborators, and community partners.
Barbara Powell Harris and Odessa Ammons and Unique Unity Youth
NCF Wellness event Lab Services team
Wellness Panel Discussion
Yoga on the lawn
Master Gardener Barbara Powell-Harris Gives Earthbox demonstration, we will have to watch for that Kale’s progress!
Ringling Museums conceptual artist in residence, writer and activist, John Sims held a lovely event at Rosemary Restaurant on February 14th based on the theme of his work, “The Square Root of Love”.
On the occasion of Valentine’s Day 2022, John Simspresented the 6th annual SquareRoot of Love event, featuring an evening of drinks, hors d’oeuvres, dessert, music, and the reading of Love stories, poems and letters at The Rosemaryin Sarasota, Fl. He explored questions such as the expression of love beyond the romantic to include ideas of connective attention, spiritual energy, community inclusion and immersive conversation leading perhaps to reflection on the question, what is the square root of love? Where is the love in these complicated political times? And how can love, like food, drink, storytelling and conversation, nourish our sense of universal humanity?
Navigator Program
By Joseph Caretta
About MHI's Care Coordination Program
MHI's care coordination program works to improve our clients' overall health and socioeconomic disparities by connecting individuals to available resources in their community. We bridge the gap between the community and the health and social service systems through resource linkages, health advocacy, and supplemental 1-on-1 interactions. This program is also designed to help individuals better manage their chronic conditions, monitor their medication usage, and encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors. Our team is composed of trained community and health navigators with extensive experience in community engagement and a vast knowledge of relevant community resources.
Since the program's start in November, we have interacted with 178 people across five counties; 59 of them have requested our services. Our Safekeepers are busy helping to link them to care and resources and better navigate the health delivery system. Some have taken advantage of invitations to our health education events like the monthly healing circles and weekly community Zoom data update calls.
We are pleased to continue to expand our multilingual team with the support of the $50,000 Sarasota Department of Health Equity grant and $30,000 Sarasota Community Foundation Grant.
If you or someone you know needs assistance, you can call or email us at (941) 706-3362 andcarecoordination@the-mhi.org.
Current Events
All Faith’s Food Bank Open Mon-Thur 8 AM-5PM, Fri 8 AM-2PM Sarasota: 8171 Blakie Ct, Sarasota, FL 34240
Every Thurs.
Oneco United Methodist Church Food Pantry Open Every Thurs: 9 AM-11:30 AM 2112 53rd Ave E, Bradenton, FL 34203
The Eleanor Merritt: Remembrance opening reception February 17, 2022 was a beautiful evening with over 100 people in attendance, enjoyed by all. Everyone was hungry to reconnect again, and this gave a great opportunity for that to take place. We are especially pleased with the announcement by museum director Steven High, of the "Eleanor Merritt Fellowship", a pipeline training program emphasizing under- represented recent college graduates.
The exhibit will be up through August and for those of you who are out of town, do try to stop by when you return..
Ringling Board Member Javi Suarez taking in 1st and last paintings by Eleanor Merritt
Dr. Merritt with Ringling Museum Director, Steven High
Ringling Board Chair Jeff Hotchkiss with Artist Mike Solomon and Ringling Board Member and Artist Kirk Ke Wang, Victoria Kasdan of Making an Impact looks on.
MHI Mission Statement
MHI seeks to level the healthcare playing field by promoting, educating, and ensuring equal healthcare access and treatment for vulnerable populations who experience disparities in rates of disease due to health inequities. We support programs that educate, identify, and test for diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Infant Mortality, HIV/AIDS, and other health issues affecting underrepresented communities across the United States which also help reduce the costs of healthcare. We engage and empower communities to facilitate their self advocacy and improved navigation through the healthcare system.
Sarasota Office: 1781 Dr. Martin Luther King Way Sarasota, Florida 34234 Office: 941-906-9484 Fax: 941-225-8198 www.the-MHI.org
Oneco Office (UMC): Oneco United Methodist Church 2112 53rd Ave. East Bradenton, FL 34203 Phone: 941-906-9484